Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Errors on the game4 posts
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(Non-specific spoilers for the "A rare find" side quest)

It's possible to initiate the "A rare find" quest without ever being assigned it, if you happen to find the key item on your own. If this happens, then the dialogue correctly tells you to write it down as a new side quest and mark it as 'initiated' immediately, meaning you'd complete it on your next visit to the Citadel. However, that text doesn't tell you the dialogue number you should 're-read' to complete the quest, so we had to check the card that the 'Tavern' building refers to to see it (of course, we did have the Tavern built before that).

It feels like an oversight that this dialogue number isn't mentioned when you 'sequence break' your way through the quest. Or is that meant to force you to 'waste' your tavern visit in one of your Preparation phases to be 'officially' assigned the quest and then instantly complete it? We ruled that this essentially 'saved' us a tavern visit that we could then use to start an extra side quest.
My understanding is that there was no error, I initiated the quest like you did.

1. I found the "thing", but my character had no idea what to do with it.
2. Once I used the Tavern to learn how the "thing" can be used, I can use it and finish the quest.

To me, it made sense that you need to visit
first and cannot just
give such a gift to a random person
Posted - Edited
My point is that either way, the game should have specified what to do in this situation, and the fact that it didn't do so is an error that creates ambiguity.

Scenario A: Initiating the quest through finding its key item early does NOT mean you have also 'started' the quest. In that case, the game should have specified something like "When you read the starting dialogue for this side quest, you may complete it instantly."
Scenario B: Initiating the quest through finding its key item early DOES mean you have also 'started' the quest. In that case, the game should have specified something like "When you next check your side quests during the Preparation phase at the Citadel, read dialogue ."

As far as I know, there is never any other point where you can 'start' a side quest without actually starting it. I think it's very easy to assume, rules-wise, that marking a quest as 'initiated' means you get to complete it during the next Preparation phase. The fact that only the missing dialogue number was preventing the quest from being completed was not enough to make it clear that the quest was not actually 'started'.

Besides, if you have the Tavern built, there's nothing stopping you from seeing what the side quest's associated dialogue number is on the Tavern card, so you're actually given all of the information you need to finish that quest without actually 'choosing' it on that visit. After all, it doesn't usually cost a Tavern visit to finish a quest that's already 'started'. I think that's the biggest reason for the ambiguity here.
No initiating has nothing to do with the preparation phase. So A is correct and I think this was pretty clear, as you don’t have a number to read.
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Forums/ The 7th Citadel/ Errors on the game4 posts